One of a Kind Quilting Designs

Patricia is a quilter, teacher, designer, lecturer and writer. Many of her designs have appeared in
various quilt magazines. She has been drawing quilt patterns, principally applique ones, for over 35 years. Below is
a beautiful example of one of Patricia's applique designs. All of her designs are copyrighted
and are for your personal use only. All patterns are full size!
Please note: General directions are given with each but not step-by-step directions. A basic knowledge
of applique techniques is recommended.
A Note from Pat: Several years ago I wrote a book on applique, which is my great love. It was the third book in a contract
with the publisher. The first two books were written and published without too many hassles. Then, #3, and the one I most
wanted to do, had so many obstacles thrown in its way that it was canceled. I was very disappointed, to say the least.
A number of things have changed since
then and the disappointment has become just a dull ache. My husband's health has precluded my traveling to shows so I
have decided to try to do some writing on my website. Another idea I had for a book was “A Touch of Christmas” which would have a Christmas theme
for each project using all the different techniques: applique, embroidery, stained glass, Hawaiian, crazy quilting, Baltimore
style patterns, Broderie Perse, Rosemaling, Teddy Bears, Santas, Angels, plaid fabrics, flowers, ets. I would spotlight each idea or technique in the month to come
with tips on making the pattern. I was not able to sell the idea to a publisher so instead I am going to put some of these ideas on the website. Some
may have tips on how to do them and others may not. There will be patterns available if possible.
10 Mar 15 A Note from Pat: Last summer when I was teaching in Exeter, England, we had
an exhibit of 30 of my Japanese inspired guilts and some of those made by my English students from my patterns. 150 people
paid the entrance fee and seemed to enjoy the works displayed. I have been teaching a class of Japanese women
for over 30 years here in Minneapolis. Most of them are only here for a year or two while their husbands are pursuing various
educational or business goals. The core members of the group are either married to Americans or their husbands are here semi-permanently.
Many of the Asian fabrics are beautiful to my eyes and I am fascinated by the asymmetrical designs of the Japanese. Years
ago a book depicting Japanese crests was published and this has been a source of inspiration for my designs.
My Japanese students are only interested in making American patterns and do not seem to understand why I like the Asian fabrics
so much.

Last winter, 2014 which was a long one, I decided to make a series of panels using wrens.
It was the 25th anniversary of my mother's death and her favorite bird was the wren.

Mary Jane Carr
Quilt - Pattern Available in Reproduction Quilts
are some closeups of Patricia's Mary Jane Carr quilt.

Mary Brown Quilt
- Pattern Available in Reproduction Quilts
